
This post is with the gratitude. I made use of google and chat-gpt to give the facts. I’ll spend some time on this post and publish a full story as soon as possible.

Big love.


partner (n.)

c. 1300, partiner, “a sharer or partaker in anything,” altered from parcener (late 13c.), from Old French parçonier “partner, associate; joint owner, joint heir,” from parçon “partition, division. portion, share, lot,” from Latin partitionem (nominative partitio) “a sharing, partition, division, distribution” from past participle stem of partire “to part, divide” (from pars “a part, piece, a share,” from PIE root *pere- (2) “to grant, allot”).The form in English has been influenced by part (n.). The word also may represent Old French part tenour “part holder.” From late 14c. as “one who shares power or authority with another;” the commercial sense is by 1520s. Meaning “a husband or wife, one associated in marriage with another” is from 1749.
also from c. 1300

partner (v.)

1610s, transitive, “to make a partner,” from partner (n.). Intransitive sense, “join one another in partnership,” is by 1961. Related: Partneredpartnering.
also from 1610s
A partner refers to a person, organization, or entity that collaborates with another individual or group in a joint endeavor, venture, or relationship. Partnerships can take various forms, such as business partnerships, romantic relationships, or collaborative efforts in any field. Partners typically share responsibilities, resources, and decision-making, working together towards common goals and mutual benefits. Trust, communication, and cooperation are essential elements in a successful partnership, fostering a strong and harmonious alliance to achieve shared objectives. Partnerships often thrive on complementary strengths and skills, creating a synergy that enhances overall effectiveness and outcomes.